NR 465.38(5)(a)1. 1. `Representative coating operation operating conditions.' You shall conduct the performance test under representative operating conditions for the coating operation. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown or malfunction and during periods of non-operation do not constitute representative conditions. You shall record the process information that is necessary to document operating conditions during the test and explain why the conditions represent normal operation.
NR 465.38(5)(a)2. 2. `Representative emission capture system and add-on control device operating conditions.' You shall conduct the performance test when the emission capture system and add-on control device are operating at a representative flow rate, and the add-on control device is operating at a representative inlet concentration. You shall record information that is necessary to document emission capture system and add-on control device operating conditions during the test and explain why the conditions represent normal operation.
NR 465.38(5)(b) (b) You shall conduct each performance test of an emission capture system according to the requirements in sub. (6). You shall conduct each performance test of an add-on control device according to the requirements in sub. (7).
NR 465.38(6) (6)How do i determine the emission capture system efficiency? You shall use the procedures and test methods in this subsection to determine capture efficiency as part of the performance test required by sub. (1).
NR 465.38(6)(a) (a) Assuming 100% capture efficiency. You may assume the capture system efficiency is 100% if both of the conditions in subds. 1. and 2. are met.
NR 465.38(6)(a)1. 1. The capture system meets the criteria in Method 204 in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), for a PTE and directs all the exhaust gases from the enclosure to an add-on control device.
NR 465.38(6)(a)2. 2. All coatings, thinners and other additives and cleaning materials used in the coating operation are applied within the capture system; coating solvent flash-off, curing and drying occurs within the capture system; and the removal or evaporation of cleaning materials from the surfaces they are applied to occurs within the capture system.
NR 465.38 Note Note: For example, this criterion is not met if parts enter the open shop environment when being moved between a spray booth and a curing oven.
NR 465.38(6)(b) (b) Measuring capture efficiency. If the capture system does not meet both of the conditions in par. (a), then you shall use one of the 3 protocols described in pars. (c), (d) and (e) to measure capture efficiency. The capture efficiency measurements use TVH capture efficiency as a surrogate for organic HAP capture efficiency. For the protocols in pars. (c) and (d), the capture efficiency measurement shall consist of 3 test runs. Each test run shall be at least 3 hours duration or the length of a production run, whichever is longer, up to 8 hours. For the purposes of this test, a production run means the time required for a single part to go from the beginning to the end of the production, which includes surface preparation activities and drying and curing time.
NR 465.38(6)(c) (c) Liquid-to-uncaptured-gas protocol using a temporary total enclosure or building enclosure. The liquid-to-uncaptured-gas protocol compares the mass of liquid TVH in materials used in the coating operation to the mass of TVH emissions not captured by the emission capture system. You shall use a temporary total enclosure or a building enclosure and the procedures in subds. 1. to 6. to measure emission capture system efficiency when using the liquid-to-uncaptured-gas protocol.
NR 465.38(6)(c)1. 1. Either use a building enclosure or construct an enclosure around the coating operation where coatings, thinners and other additives, and cleaning materials are applied, and all areas where emissions from these applied coatings and materials subsequently occur, such as flash-off, curing and drying areas. The areas of the coating operation where capture devices collect emissions for routing to an add-on control device, such as the entrance and exit areas of an oven or spray booth, shall also be inside the enclosure. The enclosure shall meet the applicable definition of a temporary total enclosure or building enclosure in Method 204 in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9).
NR 465.38(6)(c)2. 2. Use Method 204A or 204F in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), to determine the mass fraction of TVH liquid input from each coating, thinner and other additive and cleaning material used in the coating operation during each capture efficiency test run. To make the determination, substitute TVH for each occurrence of the term volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the methods.
NR 465.38(6)(c)3. 3. Use Equation 1 in this subsection to calculate the total mass of TVH liquid input from all the coatings, thinners and other additives and cleaning materials used in the coating operation during each capture efficiency test run:
- See PDF for diagram PDF (Equation 1)
TVHused is the mass of liquid TVH in materials used in the coating operation during the capture efficiency test run, kg (lb)
TVHi is the mass fraction of TVH in coating, thinner or other additive or cleaning material, i, that is used in the coating operation during the capture efficiency test run, kg (lb) of TVH per kg (lb) of material
Voli is the total volume of coating, thinner or other additive or cleaning material, i, used in the coating operation during the capture efficiency test run, liters (gallons)
Di is the density of coating, thinner or other additive or cleaning material, i, kg (lb) of material per liter (gallon) of material
n is the number of different coatings, thinners and other additives, and cleaning materials used in the coating operation during the capture efficiency test run
NR 465.38(6)(c)4. 4. Use Method 204D or 204E in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), to measure the total mass of TVH emissions that are not captured by the emission capture system. They are measured as they exit the temporary total enclosure or building enclosure during each capture efficiency test run. To make the measurement, substitute TVH for each occurrence of the term VOC in the methods.
NR 465.38(6)(c)4.a. a. Use Method 204D in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), if the enclosure is a temporary total enclosure.
NR 465.38(6)(c)4.b. b. Use Method 204E in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), if the enclosure is a building enclosure. During the capture efficiency measurement, all organic compound emitting operations inside the building enclosure, other than the coating operation for which capture efficiency is being determined, shall be shut down, but all fans and blowers shall be operating normally.
NR 465.38(6)(c)5. 5. For each capture efficiency test run, determine the percent capture efficiency of the emission capture system using the following equation:
- See PDF for diagram PDF(Equation 2)
CE is the capture efficiency of the emission capture system vented to the add-on control device, percent
TVHused is the total mass of TVH liquid input used in the coating operation during the capture efficiency test run, kg (lb)
TVHuncaptured is the total mass of TVH that is not captured by the emission capture system and that exits from the temporary total enclosure or building enclosure during the capture efficiency test run, kg (lb)
NR 465.38(6)(c)6. 6. Determine the capture efficiency of the emission capture system as the average of the capture efficiencies measured in the 3 test runs.
NR 465.38(6)(d) (d) Gas-to-gas protocol using a temporary total enclosure or a building enclosure. The gas-to-gas protocol compares the mass of TVH emissions captured by the emission capture system to the mass of TVH emissions not captured. You shall use a temporary total enclosure or a building enclosure and the procedures in subds. 1. to 5. to measure emission capture system efficiency when using the gas-to-gas protocol.
NR 465.38(6)(d)1. 1. Either use a building enclosure or construct an enclosure around the coating operation where coatings, thinners and other additives and cleaning materials are applied, and all areas where emissions from these applied coatings and materials subsequently occur, such as flash-off, curing and drying areas. The areas of the coating operation where capture devices collect emissions generated by the coating operation for routing to an add-on control device, such as the entrance and exit areas of an oven or a spray booth, shall also be inside the enclosure. The enclosure shall meet the applicable definition of a temporary total enclosure or building enclosure in Method 204 in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9).
NR 465.38(6)(d)2. 2. Use Method 204B or 204C in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), to measure the total mass of TVH emissions captured by the emission capture system during each capture efficiency test run as measured at the inlet to the add-on control device. To make the measurement, substitute TVH for each occurrence of the term VOC in the methods.
NR 465.38(6)(d)2.a. a. The sampling points for the Method 204B or 204C in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), measurement shall be upstream from the add-on control device and shall represent total emissions routed from the capture system and entering the add-on control device.
NR 465.38(6)(d)2.b. b. If multiple emission streams from the capture system enter the add-on control device without a single common duct, then the emissions entering the add-on control device shall be simultaneously measured in each duct and the total emissions entering the add-on control device shall be determined.
NR 465.38(6)(d)3. 3. Use Method 204D or 204E in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), to measure the total mass of TVH emissions that are not captured by the emission capture system. They are measured as they exit the temporary total enclosure or building enclosure during each capture efficiency test run. To make the measurement, substitute TVH for each occurrence of the term VOC in the methods.
NR 465.38(6)(d)3.a. a. Use Method 204D in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), if the enclosure is a temporary total enclosure.
NR 465.38(6)(d)3.b. b. Use Method 204E in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix M, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (9), if the enclosure is a building enclosure. During the capture efficiency measurement, all organic compound emitting operations inside the building enclosure, other than the coating operation for which capture efficiency is being determined, shall be shut down, but all fans and blowers shall be operating normally.
NR 465.38(6)(d)4. 4. For each capture efficiency test run, determine the percent capture efficiency of the emission capture system using the following equation:
(Equation 3)
CE is the capture efficiency of the emission capture system vented to the add-on control device, percent
TVHcaptured is the total mass of TVH captured by the emission capture systems measured at the inlet to the add-on control device during the emission capture efficiency test run, kg (lb)
TVHuncaptured is the total mass of TVH that is not captured by the emission capture system and that exits from the temporary total enclosure or building enclosure during the capture efficiency test run, kg (lb)
NR 465.38(6)(d)5. 5. Determine the capture efficiency of the emission capture system as the average of the capture efficiencies measured in the 3 test runs.
NR 465.38(6)(e) (e) Alternative capture efficiency protocol. As an alternative to the procedures specified in pars. (c) and (d) and subject to the approval of the department, you may determine capture efficiency using any other capture efficiency protocol and test method that satisfies the criteria of either the DQO or LCL approach as described in 40 CFR part 63, Subpart KK, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (24).
NR 465.38(7) (7)How do i determine the add-on control device emission destruction or removal efficiency? You shall use the procedures and test methods in this subsection to determine the add-on control device emission destruction or removal efficiency as part of the performance test required by sub. (1). You shall conduct 3 test runs as specified in s. NR 460.06 (4) (c), and each test run shall last at least one hour.
NR 465.38(7)(a) (a) For all types of add-on control devices, use the test methods specified in subds. 1. to 5.
NR 465.38(7)(a)1. 1. Method 1 or 1A in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), as appropriate, to select sampling sites and velocity traverse points.
NR 465.38(7)(a)2. 2. Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F or 2G in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), as appropriate, to measure gas volumetric flow rate.
NR 465.38(7)(a)3. 3. Method 3, 3A or 3B in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), as appropriate, for gas analysis to determine dry molecular weight.
NR 465.38(7)(a)4. 4. Method 4 in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), to determine stack gas moisture.
NR 465.38(7)(a)5. 5. Methods for determining gas volumetric flow rate, dry molecular weight and stack gas moisture shall be performed, as applicable, during each test run.
NR 465.38(7)(b) (b) Measure total gaseous organic mass emissions as carbon at the inlet and outlet of the add-on control device simultaneously, using either Method 25 or 25A in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13).
NR 465.38(7)(b)1. 1. Use Method 25 if the add-on control device is an oxidizer and you expect the total gaseous organic concentration as carbon to be more than 50 parts per million (ppm) at the control device outlet.
NR 465.38(7)(b)2. 2. Use Method 25A if the add-on control device is an oxidizer and you expect the total gaseous organic concentration as carbon to be 50 ppm or less at the control device outlet.
NR 465.38(7)(b)3. 3. Use Method 25A if the add-on control device is not an oxidizer.
NR 465.38(7)(c) (c) If 2 or more add-on control devices are used for the same emission stream, then you shall measure emissions at the outlet to the atmosphere of each device.
NR 465.38 Note Note: For example, if one add-on control device is a concentrator with an outlet to the atmosphere for the high-volume dilute stream that has been treated by the concentrator, and a second add-on control device is an oxidizer with an outlet to the atmosphere for the low-volume concentrated stream that is treated with the oxidizer, you shall measure emissions at the outlet of the oxidizer and the high volume dilute stream outlet of the concentrator.
NR 465.38(7)(d) (d) For each test run, determine the total gaseous organic emissions mass flow rates for the inlet and the outlet of the add-on control device, using Equation 1 of this subsection. If there is more than one inlet or outlet to the add-on control device, you shall calculate the total gaseous organic mass flow rate using Equation 1 for each inlet and each outlet and then total all of the inlet emissions and total all of the outlet emissions.
(Equation 1)
Mf is the total gaseous organic emissions mass flow rate, kg per hour (h)
Cc is the concentration of organic compounds as carbon in the vent gas, as determined by Method 25 or Method 25A in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), parts per million by volume (ppmv), dry basis
Qsd is the volumetric flow rate of gases entering or exiting the add-on control device, as determined by Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F or 2G in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), dry standard cubic meters/hour (dscm/h)
0.0416 is the conversion factor for molar volume, kg-moles per cubic meter (mol/m3) (at 293 Kelvin (K) and 760 millimeters of mercury (mmHg))
NR 465.38(7)(e) (e) For each test run, determine the add-on control device organic emissions destruction or removal efficiency, using the following equation:
(Equation 2)
DRE is the organic emissions destruction or removal efficiency of the add-on control device, percent
Mfi is the total gaseous organic emissions mass flow rate at the inlet to the add-on control device, using Equation 1 of this subsection, kg/h
Mfo is the total gaseous organic emissions mass flow rate at the outlet of the add-on control device, using Equation 1 of this subsection, kg/h
NR 465.38(7)(f) (f) Determine the emission destruction or removal efficiency of the add-on control device as the average of the efficiencies determined in the 3 test runs and calculated in Equation 2 of this subsection.
NR 465.38(8) (8)How do i establish the emission capture system and add-on control device operating limits during the performance test? During the performance test required by sub. (1) and described in subs. (5), (6) and (7), you shall establish the operating limits required by s. NR 465.33 (3) according to this subsection, unless you have received approval for alternative monitoring and operating limits under s. NR 460.07 (6) as specified in s. NR 465.33 (3).
NR 465.38(8)(a) (a) Thermal oxidizers. If your add-on control device is a thermal oxidizer, establish the operating limits according to subds. 1. and 2.
NR 465.38(8)(a)1. 1. During the performance test, you shall monitor and record the combustion temperature at least once every 15 minutes during each of the 3 test runs. You shall monitor the temperature in the firebox of the thermal oxidizer or immediately downstream of the firebox before any substantial heat exchange occurs.
NR 465.38(8)(a)2. 2. Use the data collected during the performance test to calculate and record the average combustion temperature maintained during the performance test. This average combustion temperature shall be the minimum operating limit for your thermal oxidizer.
NR 465.38(8)(b) (b) Catalytic oxidizers. If your add-on control device is a catalytic oxidizer, establish the operating limits according to either subds. 1. and 2. or subds. 3. and 4.
NR 465.38(8)(b)1. 1. During the performance test, you shall monitor and record the temperature just before the catalyst bed and the temperature difference across the catalyst bed at least once every 15 minutes during each of the 3 test runs.
NR 465.38(8)(b)2. 2. Use the data collected during the performance test to calculate and record the average temperature just before the catalyst bed and the average temperature difference across the catalyst bed maintained during the performance test. The average temperature just before the catalyst bed and the average temperature difference across the catalyst bed shall be the minimum operating limits for your catalytic oxidizer.
NR 465.38(8)(b)3. 3. You shall monitor the temperature at the inlet to the catalyst bed and implement a site-specific inspection and maintenance plan for your catalytic oxidizer as specified in subd. 4. During the performance test, you shall monitor and record the temperature just before the catalyst bed at least once every 15 minutes during each of the 3 test runs. Use the data collected during the performance test to calculate and record the average temperature just before the catalyst bed during the performance test. This average temperature shall be the minimum operating limit for your catalytic oxidizer.
NR 465.38(8)(b)4. 4. You shall develop and implement an inspection and maintenance plan for your catalytic oxidizers for which you elect to monitor according to subd. 3. The plan shall address, at a minimum, the elements specified in subd. 4. a. to c.
NR 465.38(8)(b)4.a. a. Annual sampling and analysis of the catalyst conversion efficiency following the manufacturer's or catalyst supplier's recommended procedures. If problems are found during the catalyst activity test, you shall replace the catalyst bed or take other corrective action consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations.
NR 465.38(8)(b)4.b. b. Monthly external inspection of the catalytic oxidizer system, including the burner assembly and fuel supply lines for problems and, as necessary, adjustment of the equipment to assure proper air-to-fuel mixtures.
NR 465.38(8)(b)4.c. c. Annual internal inspection of the catalyst bed to check for channeling, abrasion and settling. If problems are found during the annual internal inspection of the catalyst, you shall replace the catalyst bed or take other corrective action consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations. If the catalyst bed is replaced and is not of like or better kind and quality as the old catalyst, then you shall conduct a new performance test to determine destruction efficiency according to sub. (7). If a catalyst bed is replaced and the replacement catalyst is of like or better kind and quality as the old catalyst, then a new performance test to determine destruction efficiency is not required and you may continue to use the previously established operating limits for that catalytic oxidizer.
NR 465.38(8)(c) (c) Regenerative carbon adsorbers. If your add-on control device is a regenerative carbon adsorber, establish the operating limits according to subds. 1. and 2.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.